
Check out our Downloads page where you can find our constitution, volunteer agreements, and newsletter archives.


Israel toolkit:  An easy to digest summary of the Middle East Conflict

For further research, there are also many, many pages and posts that deal with a huge number of topics on our website.  The search engine is your friend, so be sure to click the Search option in the main menu at the top of every post or page.

Speaker Presentations

Yoram Barak Presentation

Rami Sherman video

Peter Gaspar video

Members’ Information


Volunteer’s Agreement

Area Coordinator’s position description

Policy Manual

Annual Reports

FY = Year ending March 31

Newsletter Archive

FY2010FY2011FY2012FY2013 FY2014
FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 FY2019
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022FY2023  
FY = Year ending March 31

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