Join NZ Friends of Israel

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October 7 shows that the spirit of Anti-Semitism is alive and well.

Its goal has always been the same, destroy the only safe haven there is for Jews in the world, then destroy all the Jews, and then re-focus its malevolence on the rest of society on its way to world domination.

Anti-semitism is marked by militancy, intimidation, anger, hate, conspiracy theories, paranoia, and misinformation on a grand scale.  It will re-write history.  It will invert the truth.

We at NZ Friends of Israel fight prejudice and intolerance by raising awareness of Jewish history and culture.

Their story holds lessons for all humanity.

Joining means connecting with others who want to fight this evil.  It means to show that prejudice and intolerance have no place in New Zealand.

If any of this resonates with you, join us.

Send your annual membership fee (NZD 40) by internet banking using the following details and fill out the form below with your contact details.

Bank: BNZ
Account name: NZ Friends of Israel Association Inc
Account number: 02 0820 0569411 00
Code: Membership
Particulars: [Your initials and surname]

or if you prefer a credit card there is a PayPal facility below: