Tribute: Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

R Lord Jonathan Sacks and Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the UK

Last weekend, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks passed away, just a few weeks after announcing that he had been diagnosed with cancer and that he would be taking a break from his duties while he focused on his treatment and recovery.

The Rabbi has been a much-respected voice for the Jewish people, and the Torah, whose sage advice was sought by many including leaders of nations.

He was a prolific writer and through those writings he critiqued many of today’s societal trends through the lens of the Torah.

And because of this, his messaging was full of grace, kindness, compassion, mercy and justice.

His parashot commentaries have been a rich blessing and the subject of much (often constructive) discussion and debate for many families on Shabbat.

Rather than dwell on being sad that he is gone, we rejoice that he was given to us to be here at all.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Eileen and his children Joshua, Dina and Gila.

Baruch dayan ha’emet.

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