
Here is a calendar of upcoming events, up and down the country. Some are organized by us, others by like-minded organizations and groups.

CHRISTCHURCH MEETING: June 18, 7.30pm @ Halswell Centre, Pihaurau Room
Jun 18 @ 7:30 PM

The four rescued hostages being reunited with their families. Heartwarming.

Hi Folks

Our next meeting in Christchurch is on Tuesday, 7.30pm at the Halswell Centre, 349 Halswell Rd, Christchurch.

Our focus will be:

• The inside information about the rescue of the four hostages last weekend and how that gives hope for rescuing more hostages.
• Jordan Peterson and John Spencer on what urban warfare means and how that has shaped the IDF’s conduct in Gaza.

As always, admission is a plate of finger food, please no pork or seafood products.

See you there!