
Here is a calendar of upcoming events, up and down the country. Some are organized by us, others by like-minded organizations and groups.

Jun 1 @ 4:30 PM

The DocEdge Festival is on, and you have one chance to watch this fascinating documentary:

Joe’s Violin

United States | 2016 | 24 min | English | Kahane Cooperman

In this award-winning documentary short, a 91-year-old Holocaust survivor donates his violin of 70 years to a local instrument drive, changing the life of a 12-year-old school girl from America’s poorest congressional district, and unexpectedly, his own. Joe’s Violin poignantly illustrates how a small act can have a great impact.

The film was nominated for the 2017 Academy Awards.

In Search of Perfect Consenance


Jun 4 @ 4:00 PM

The Last Laugh

United States | 2016 | 85 min | Ferne Pearlstein

Two Jews and a Nazi walk into an Auschwitz bar … what, not funny? Can we make jokes about the Holocaust? Leading comedians can’t agree.

In this outrageously funny and thought-provoking film, comedy’s ultimate taboo was put to legends including Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, Sarah Silverman, Gilbert Gottfried, Alan Zweibel, Harry Shearer, Jeff Ross, Judy Gold, Susie Essman, Larry Charles, Jake Ehrenreich, and many other critical thinkers including Deb Filler as well as Holocaust survivors themselves.

A most intriguing conversation emerges over where to draw the line between bad taste and bad jokes, shedding new light on The Soup Nazi, Hogan’s Heroes and the entire premise of The Producers. Star-studded, provocative and thoroughly entertaining, the film asks uncomfortable questions about just how free speech can really be, with unexpected and hilarious results. Where do you cross over to bad taste and insensitivity?

*Comedian & subject Deb Filler will attend the Festival in Auckland. A Q&A will follow the screenings.
** A FREE Doc Talk: A Joke Too Far, with Deb Filler on Sunday, 4 June at 5.30pm (after the screening) at The Vault, Q Theatre.


Jun 5 @ 12:30 PM

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Image result for Film Brother My HeroMy Hero Brother

Israel | 2016 | 78 min | Hebrew | Yonatan Nir

An inspirational and affecting story of a group of Israeli youth on a physically and emotionally demanding trek through the Himalayas with their siblings – the twist – these youth live with Downs Syndrome. Unresolved conflicts and the complexities of growing up with a Down syndrome sibling come. to surface. A heart-warming and special closeness develops among the siblings as they deal with formidable physical and emotional challenges.

The difficult trials and poignant relationships, set against the richly colourful backdrop of India and culture shock, open new horizons and greatly deepen our understanding of special needs people and their families.

*Director Yonatan Nir will attend the Auckland Festival with the kind support from the Embassy of Israel. A Q&A will follow the screenings.

AGM @ Northwood Villa Clubrooms
Jul 16 @ 2:00 PM

It’s that time of the year.  If you would like to nominate another member for the committee, please send your nomination to our secretary, Rebecca (contact details below).



After the AGM we will be showing the movie “Arranged”.

The film centers on two young women — one an Orthodox Jew, the other a devout Muslim — who meet and become friends as first-year teachers at a public school in Brooklyn. Over the course of the year they learn that they share much in common, not least of which is that they are both going through arranged marriages.

The film has won top prizes at The Berkshire International Film Festival, The Brooklyn International Film Festival, The Washington Jewish Film Festival, The Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival, and The Skip City International D-Cinema Film Festival in Japan.

It scores a 4.5/5 rating on

AUCKLAND: Limmud NZ: August 26-27 @ Diocesan School
Jul 26 @ 12:30 PM – Jul 27 @ 5:15 PM


Limmud is a cross-communal ‘festival of learning’ which last year attracted over 25000 participants to its events, held across five continents, in almost forty countries. It started in the UK 30 years ago where the annual five-day event now attracts 2,500 people from across the religious spectrum and boasts 350 presenters offering some 900 sessions.

Limmud aims to enable each participant to go one step further on their own Jewish journey.   One of the key principles behind what has now become an international cross-communal movement is that we all have something to contribute and can learn from each other.  Presenters are treated as part of the community, they are volunteers like those who organise the events and all are rewarded by the opportunity of learning from each other.  Becoming Limmud NZ makes us part of an exciting worldwide movement.

Limmud has core principles that we feel reflect our community. The catch phrase behind Limmud is “every Jew should be a student and everyone can be a teacher”. This seems very much to capture what our organising committee believes, and we are eager for more local presenters to put themselves forward and to encourage people to volunteer. Even an hour will make a huge difference to the success of the first Limmud conference on 18/19 August.  Expanding Jewish horizons, empowering individuals to contribute to their community and enabling connections to be made between individuals and across communities are the values behind Limmud International and behind Limmud NZ. We also love the emphasis on ensuring all participants feel equally respected and comfortable at Limmud, no matter which shul they go to, or don’t go to.  All Limmud events will be strictly kosher to enable participants to eat and enjoy together.

Limmud, of course, means learning and it is about learning but not in a formalised way. The great thing about the format is it is “pick and mix”. Each session runs for an hour, and there are five different streams to choose from.You just pick what you want to go to – discussion of an ethical dilemma with local and international experts, an intimate text study, a film discussion, or sessions relating to parenting issues. If you need a break for a session, grab a coffee and schmooze. The only thing we can’t do for you is arrange for you to be at two sessions at once – although some sessions are repeated.

We’ve got an exciting line-up this year, with presenters from near and far, presenting on a diverse range of scintillating topics. Check the Limmud’s website for the  programme , photos, presenter bios, and registration details.

Jul 30 @ 7:30 PM



We are pleased to be able to host Kelvin Crombie in Christchurch on the 30th July, 7.30pm at Papanui Baptist Church. Kelvin is from Australia and is a historian with special interest in the ANZAC involvement during WW1, he has produced this DVD to coincide with the 100 year anniversary of the battle of Beersheba in which the ANZACs played an essential role. We will be hosting a showing of the DVD which Kelvin will introduce and also answer any questions relating to the events mentioned. This is the second time we have had Kelvin speak and can heartily recommend him as an authority on world events at the time of the Great War and beyond.

Please feel free to pass on this notice to any interested parties churches/organisations or individuals that you feel would be interested in attending.

Please bring a plate of finger food for supper.  Coffee and tea provided.


CANCELLED: CHRISTCHURCH: Stan Goodenough: August 12, 7pm @ Grace Vineyard Church
Aug 12 @ 7:00 PM

CANCELLED:  Folks, unfortunately recently implemented visa requirements have meant that Stan does not have the necessary visas required to enter Australia.  This has meant that the NZ leg of his speaking tour has been cancelled.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Coming of the Kingdom of Heaven: How God used the ANZAC nations to help prepare the way for the King.


Stan has lived in Israel for half of his life even though he was born to a Gentile couple serving on the mission field in the small kingdom of Swaziland. Following three years volunteering on Israeli collective farms in the 1980s, he worked as a political reporter for the South African newspaper, The Daily Dispatch – where his pen had its training during apartheid’s waning years. He has traveled to various nations, speaking to Christians about developments in Israel. In 2011 he was accredited by the Israel Ministry of Tourism as a tour guide, and takes individuals, small groups, families, busloads and helicopter-loads of Christians around God’s Land. Stan has lived in Israel for half of his life even though he was born to a Gentile couple serving on the mission field in the small kingdom of Swaziland. Following three years volunteering on Israeli collective farms in the 1980s, he worked as a political reporter for the South African newspaper, The Daily Dispatch – where his pen had its training during apartheid’s waning years. He has traveled to various nations, speaking to Christians about developments in Israel. In 2011 he was accredited by the Israel Ministry of Tourism as a tour guide, and takes individuals, small groups, families, busloads and helicopter-loads of Christians around God’s Land.

CHRISTCHURCH: Rami Sherman: August 20 @ Airforce Museum Lecture Theatre
Aug 20 @ 2:00 PM

Operation Entebbe after 40 Years: A personal recollection


In 1976, when an Air France place was hijacked and rerouted to Entebbe, Rami was the Operations Officer of the unit, under the command of Yoni Netanyahu.

In his capacity as Operations Officer, he was in involved throughout the week, preparing the unit for the Operation.

Among other things, he coordinated with Dan Shomron, the Commander of the Operation, and the Israeli Air Force.

Within the Operation, Rami was part of the 33 officers and soldiers who freed the hostages at the Entebbe terminal. He arrived with the first Hercules that landed in the airport, and was in the car that was driving behind the famous Mercedes.

After Yoni Netanyahu was injured, he drove him to the Hercules, where a team of medical professionals were waiting, but unfortunately they could not save Yoni’s life.

Later, Rami was the commander who led the rescued hostages to the Hercules.

Upon returning to Israel, Rami continued to serve in the unit, and was a Special Operations Commander until 1980.

After he was released from active duty, he helped establish the reserves unit.

Rami Sherman was born on 4 April 1953. His parents were Holocaust survivors and came to Israel in 1945.

Rami grew up on Kibbutz Lehavot Habashan, which is in the north of the country and was on the Syrian border until the Six Day War in 1967. He was educated in the Kibbutz system.

In 1972, Rami enlisted in the army and was accepted into an elite special forces unit, which today is allowed to be named – Sayeret Matkal (the Chief of Staff’s Special Forces). He successfully completed the combat soldier course and was sent to Officers’ School in order to return and receive command of a squad within the unit.

At age 50, he was released from doing reserve service.

Rami is married, has two daughters and grandfather to five grandchildren.

In 1990, Rami finished his studies in physiotherapy at the University of Tel Aviv, and since that time he has worked as a physiotherapist in various positions, including, among other things, as a physiotherapist for the Israeli Olympic team.

In 1993, Rami and his family moved to Kibbutz Ma’agan Michael, where they still live today.

AUCKLAND: Holocaust Survivor: Peter Gaspar: August 23 @ University of Auckland
Aug 23 @ 6:30 PM

How I survived the Holocaust in Czechoslovakia


Peter Gaspar is a Holocaust survivor and educator, who uses his experiences to help inform young people about the dangers of prejudice and discrimination. Peter was born in Bratislava in Czechoslovakia and survived the war by going into hiding. Along with his parents, Peter was hidden for three years and then during the last six months, Peter and his mother were interned in the Terezin Concentration Camp. Peter currently volunteers with the Courage to Care program in Melbourne inspiring young people to be more accepting and tolerant. This year he will also be travelling to schools throughout New Zealand, through the HOPE Project.

AUCKLAND: Holocaust Survivor: Peter Gaspar: August 23 @ University of Auckland
Aug 23 @ 6:30 PM

How I survived the Holocaust in Czechoslovakia

Please note that the venue has been changed from Room 201 to Room 203 in the same building.


Peter Gaspar is a Holocaust survivor and educator, who uses his experiences to help inform young people about the dangers of prejudice and discrimination. Peter was born in Bratislava in Czechoslovakia and survived the war by going into hiding. Along with his parents, Peter was hidden for three years and then during the last six months, Peter and his mother were interned in the Terezin Concentration Camp. Peter currently volunteers with the Courage to Care program in Melbourne inspiring young people to be more accepting and tolerant. This year he will also be travelling to schools throughout New Zealand, through the HOPE Project.