AUCKLAND: Yom Ha’atzmaut Cocktail Party: May 6

6 May 2018 @ 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM
Amora Hotel
100 Greys Ave
Auckland, 1010
New Zealand
$20 and cash bar

You’re invited to join the Auckland Hebrew Community in celebrating Israel’s 70th birthday.

Who would have thought that from its shaky beginnings when its neighbouring countries invaded only 24 hours after the declaration of independence in 1948, and the fledgling state fought a desperate war of survival that it would not only emerge victorious, but it would go on to thrive despite numerous attempts to destroy the state along the way?

After 70 years, Israel has become a jewel in the Middle East, through trade, a source of prosperity for its neighbouring countries, a leader in technology development, a genuine democracy with an independent army, judiciary and a Press that is truly free.

Today, many of these countries have peace treaties with Israel and even its sworn enemy, Saudi Arabia has acknowledged that Israel has a right to exist.

This is indeed a time to celebrate the miracle that is Israel.

Kosher canapes supplied by Greys Ave Deli.

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