CHRISTCHURCH: The joy of hosting Israeli travellers

11 March 2018 @ 2:00 PM
Northwood Villa Club Rooms
Northwood Villas Cres
Northwood, Christchurch 8051
New Zealand
A collection will be taken to cover expenses; please bring a plate of Hanukkah finger food (see below)
Rebecca Marchand
021 0224 2515

CHRISTCHURCH: The Joy of Hosting Israeli Travellers

2pm, Sunday 11 March 2018

Clubrooms, Northwood Villa Cres, Northwood.  (-43.465134, 172.617633)

New Zealand is one of the top travel destinations for Israelis.  To Israelis it is a much talked of country full of huge contrasts from their own: peaceful, temperate, green and offering spectacular vistas.

At the same time, many New Zealanders who support Israel and fight anti-Semitism, meet very few Jews and have had very little contact with them.

HIT is a homestay programme that allows young Israeli backpackers to meet New Zealanders in their homes and experience Kiwis in their own environments.

You are invited to an afternoon with Omri Jaakobovitch, founder of HIT.  Hear about how you can participate in this programme and how it is growing internationally.

Admission:  A collection will be taken to cover expenses; A plate of finger food for afternoon tea. Please no pork, bacon or seafood ingredients.


  1. there is also Chiburim for hosting, a good organization

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