CHRISTCHURCH: Zohar Gonen on the High Holidays

25 September 2016 @ 2:00 PM
Papanui Baptist Church
144 Sawyers Arms Rd
Northcote, Christchurch 8052
New Zealand
Plate of Fingerfood
Rebecca Marchand
+64 (21) 0224 2515

Gonen, Zohar

  • What do these celebrations mean to believers today?
  • How did Jesus observe these festivals?
  • What significance do these holidays have in God’s big redemption plan?

A Jewish Israeli, and a believer in Jesus, Zohar will be presenting a talk on the biblical celebrations of the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles.

Venue:  Papanui Baptist 144 Sawyers Arms Road, Christchurch.

Please bring a plate of finger food.  We would be grateful if pork and seafood products are avoided.

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