October 7: What are some really useful websites and web pages to help me understand what happened on October 7 and afterward?

Mapping the Massacre: This fantastically well-produced schematic map pans and zooms across Israel showing the locations of where victims were abducted or killed.

How did the Middle East conflict come about? Pro-Palestinian advocates will re-state history to suit themselves. Don’t be deceived, know your history.

Why is there still a refugee problem in the Middle East after so many years? Few people know that there are two UN agencies that deal with refugees. UNHCR usually looks after the world’s refugees and tries to get them resettled outside of conflict zones. The Palestinian refugees get a UN agency all of their own, UNRWA. Therein lies one of the systemic structural reasons why the refugee problem has become an intergenerational one.

Read the Israel Toolkit: A great resource that you can keep on your phone to read while commuting or anywhere else.

What does “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” mean? So many people drop using the phrase once they understand the geography of the region and the implications of this chant. It means the destruction of the only safe homeland for Jews in a world where anti-Semitism continues to be everywhere.