Petition Platform Unilaterally Withdraws Pro-Israel Poll

The Students for Justice in Palestine started a petition to promote the idea that an academic prize offered by the Israeli Government for academic study of the Israeli Democratic system be withdrawn by Victoria University of Wellington.

Last week, the Shalom Students Association responded with a petition of their own, asking that the University not to discontinue the prize. The petition was hosted on petition platform, Action Station.

Within hours of the petition going live, Action Station unilaterally withdrew the petition.

Below is the email correspondence that followed after we asked them to explain their actions (newest at the top).

From: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2019 7:02 PM
To: ‘ActionStation’ <>
Cc: ‘’ <>
Subject: RE: Embassy of Israel Scholarship Petition

Hi Eliot

Thanks for getting back to me.

You say Action Station’s goals are to promote peace and human rights, deepen democracy and create a more just, fair and sustainable society. 

Sounds laudable, and NZ Friends of Israel shares these goals. 

But in issues of controversy, where which path to peace is under debate, and there are credible arguments for multiple paths, how will you choose?

Does the Action Station then become a petition platform that only reflects its Member Review Panel’s political biases? 

The scholastic prize is offered without strings attached.  The Victoria University of Wellington’s academic integrity is not compromised in any way. It’s goals are to encourage scholars to study the Israel and its democracy.

The prize is awarded on the recommendation of the Head of the School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations, in consultation with the academic staff and Head of Programme in Political Science and International Relations, of a piece of work that has already been carried out. 

The Embassy has no say in who will be the prize winner, nor does it put preconditions on whether the piece of submitted scholastic work is supportive of Israel or not. 

The Students for Justice in Palestine, ironically and misguidedly obstruct the course of natural justice, by removing an incentive for people from carrying out independent study of Israel and its democracy. 

Are they afraid that independent academics might find out something they don’t want the world to know? 

The discussion as to whether the petition should be allowed should include a discussion as to whether preventing it from running is in the interests of freedom of speech and whether freedom of speech is an integral part of any democratic system. 

In petitioning for the prize to be withdrawn, they are not promoting a free and open society where controversial issues may be subject to public discourse.  Instead they are seeking a closed society where only their own biases may be promoted. 

I look forward to finding out the outcome of your panel’s deliberations.

Warm regards

Tony Kan


NZ Friends of Israel Assoc Inc
Box 37 363
New Zealand 8245

+64 (27) 433 9745

From: ActionStation <>
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2019 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: Embassy of Israel Scholarship Petition

Hi Tony, thanks for the enquiry. 

Both petitions have been hidden for now and our Member Review Panel are considering them for approval. It should take a couple of days. 

Just to correct you, the OurActionStation site is not values neutral and the community campaigns you see here are started by members of the public and align with the mission of the ActionStation community as set out in our People’s Agenda. It’s not just a ‘petition site’ for any issue but to promote peace and human rights, deepen democracy and create a more just, fair and sustainable society.




Community Campaign Organiser

On Fri, 12 Jul at 2:57 PM , Tony.kan <> wrote:

Hi Action Station

A petition has been launched by Students for Justice in Palestine that is calling for the discontinuance of the Israel Prize in Political Science & International Relations at Victoria University which is funded by the Embassy of Israel.

A new petition has been created in response to this by the Shalom Students Association to support the continuation of the Israel Prize.   Unfortunately this petition has been withdrawn. 

As a petition platform, we would expect that you would be wish to protect an ethically neutral reputation.  However we understand that you unilaterally withdrew this petition, which raises disturbing questions for us.

We invite you to share your side of how this petition came to be withdrawn. 

Yours faithfully

Tony Kan


NZ Friends of Israel Assoc Inc
Box 37 363
New Zealand 8245
+64 (27) 433 9745

The petition is now hosted on

Advertising Standards Authority rules against complaint against Pro-Israel Advertisement

On May 14, 2019 the “For The Protection of Zion Trust” sponsored a full page newspaper advertisement in all the major newspapers of New Zealand. The advertisement was headed “At 71 Israel as a Jewish state is justified” and labelled “Advertisement”. It advocated for the right of Jewish people to live in Israel.

R Malone, complained to the Advertising Standards Authority, saying:  “This advertisement is promoting the creation of an apartheid state where non-Jewish are considered to be sub-human citizens . I feel this is a breach of human rights as everyone should be allowed to exist in the country they were born in without fear persecution.”

The Chair ruled there were no grounds for the complaint to proceed.

In the chair’s ruling, it states:

“The Chair noted the Complainant’s concern the advertisement is promoting the creation of an apartheid state.

The Chair said that the advertisement fell into the category of advocacy advertising. Rule 2 (e) of the Advertising Standards Code allows for expression of opinion in advocacy advertising. Under Rule 2(e) the following must apply:

• Advocacy advertising must clearly state the identity and position of the advertiser
• Opinion in support of the advertiser’s position must be clearly distinguishable from factual information
• Factual information must be able to be substantiated

The Advocacy Principles, developed by the Complaints Board in previous decisions that considered advocacy also applied. These say:

1  That section 14 of the Bill of Rights Act 1990, in granting the right of freedom of expression, allows advertisers to impart information and opinions but that in exercising that right what was factual information and what was opinion, should be clearly distinguishable.

2.  That the right of freedom of expression as stated in section 14 is not absolute as there could be an infringement of other people’s rights.  Care should be taken to ensure that this does not occur.

3. That the Codes fetter the rights granted by section 14 to ensure there is fair play between all parties on controversial issues.  Therefore, in advocacy advertising and particularly on political matters the spirit of the Code is more important than technical breaches. People have the right to express their views and this right should not be unduly or unreasonably restricted by Rules.

4.  That robust debate in a democratic society is to be encouraged by the media and advertisers and that the Codes should be interpreted liberally to ensure fair play by the contestants.

5.  That it is essential in all advocacy advertisements that the identity of the advertiser is clear. 

The Chair confirmed the advertisement from the “For the Protection of Zion Trust” was an advocacy advertisement which promotes the right of Jewish people to live in Israel. She said that the Advertiser was clearly identified. 

The Chair referred to a precedent decision, 11/109, about a newspaper advertisement headed “Top Five Lies about Israel”, which was ruled No Ground to Proceed. The Chair said in her view, that advertisement was an advocacy advertisement, and while the opinions in it may be robust, such expression of opinion was allowable under the Code. The Chair acknowledged there are differing views about the topic as discussed in the advertisement complained about, but this case was similar to that of the precedent decision. Robust expression of opinion is allowed, because the Advertiser is clearly identified, and their position is clear.

The Chair said the advertisement before her had been prepared with a due sense of social responsibility required and ruled it was not in breach of Principles 1 and 2 or Rules 1 (c) or 2(e) of the Advertising Standards Code.”


Responsible and thoughtful free speech is the best way to fight hate speech, not censorship | Paul Moon

Professor Paul Moon giving a lecture on Hate Speech and Free Speech in New Zealand on June 16 at the Turanga Christchurch Central Library.

On June 16, 2019, Professor Paul Moon was invited by NZ Friends of Israel Association Inc. to speak about Freedom of Speech amidst the ongoing public debate on how to react to hate speech rhetoric in the aftermath of the Christchurch Massacre.

The shock of the Massacre, the murderer’s manifesto, its distribution via social media, and the potentially devastating ramifications on public discussion and debate of stronger Hate Speech Legislation have combined to fuel interest.  Not surprisingly, Professor Moon found himself speaking to a full house. 

Being a professor of history, Moon gave numerous historical  examples of how suppressing free and open debate had held back the development of Western society, and how the pioneers of the Reformation and the Renaissance had ushered in a new era of progress.

Free Speech has been a powerful agent of societal reform, enabling religious and ethnic tolerance under Cromwell, abolished modern slavery, given women the right to vote, birthed the US civil rights movement, the Waitangi Tribunal, and the Nuclear-Free Movement.

A survey of current legislation that impact freedom of speech in New Zealand showed that what can be publicly said was already moderated: The Human Rights Act, the Harmful Digital Communications Act, and the Defamation Act.  Each contributing toward prohibiting activities commonly associated with Hate Speech but none coming up with a robust definition of what Hate Speech might be.

The Human Rights Commission is exploring the idea of protecting minority religions and suppressing “disharmonious speech”. Moon’s attempts to clarify what constitutes “disharmonious speech” were met with bemusement.

And this is the principal weakness of Hate Speech legislation, the difficulty in arriving at a robust definition gives authorities too much license to shutter uncomfortable public discourse. 

But it is from the flow from the tap of confronting, uncomfortable and disruptive ideas that society maintains its vigour and vitality.  And it’s freedom of speech that enables the public discourse which will allow society to become aware of these ideas, to test them, and identify the good ones and reject the bad ones.

Moon concluded with three thoughts:

  1. Exercising free speech responsibly and thoughtfully — rather than suppressing it — is the best antidote to hate speech.
  2. Surrendering free speech — in any way — sacrifices intelligence to force.
  3. Free speech can be unpalatable, but the alternative — of the state controlling our speech — is immeasurably worse.

There was a lively Q&A session and, as is so often the case, it is here that much color is added to proceedings. 

Hate speech featured in the stories of the Holocaust and the Rwandan Genocide.  Doesn’t it seem obvious that hate speech should be prohibited?  On the other hand, both regimes prohibited freedom of speech and suppressed their opponents. 

Furthermore NZFOI would add that the Weimar Republic had Hate Speech Legislation in place yet the Nazi Party was able to use them as propaganda tools, citing them as evidence of a “conspiracy” against them;  implying that the Nazi party had answers to society’s problems that the German government didn’t want the public to hear. People flocked to Nazi rallies.

Others were apprehensive of further immigration from societies that have normative practices that most New Zealanders would find repugnant.  Although these practices might be currently illegal, our society has shown an appetite for showing deference to minorities. 

It was conceivable that these practices, such as vaginal circumcision, forced marriages and honour killings, could become permissible as legal exceptions on cultural grounds. 

Yet voicing these concerns would likely make them appear paranoid, Islamophobic and bigoted.  How could they exercise their right to free speech, and take part in legitimate public debate without being pilloried, ostracized or even attacked?

Others noted that many of Moon’s examples involved the Roman Catholic church and while they acknowledged that it had its faults, voiced their concern that the presentation could leave listeners with an unbalanced view of that institution.

Moon assured them that he had only chosen those examples because he felt that a New Zealand audience would be sufficiently familiar with that period of history to relate to them.

By the time the meeting ended there was a consensus that respectful discussion and debate that focused on the merits of opposing arguments rather than attacking the people who made them, was the best way for society to build solutions to life’s problems and to discredit hate speech.

Within that collegial atmosphere, Dr Duncan Webb, MP for Christchurch Central, approached us and said he would be happy to openly debate Dr David Cumin.

John Minto, after introducing himself as an advocate of Palestinian rights, said that if a supporter of Palestinians rights ever crossed the line into racism, then he invited NZFOI to contact him, and he would have a word with them.

Perhaps there is hope for humankind after all.  

Professor Moon’s PowerPoint slide deck can be downloaded from here.

NZ Friends of Israel Association Inc wishes to acknowledge the support of the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand and Professor Paul Moon’s generous gift of his time and money in making this event possible.

How a ban on hate speech helped the Nazis | The Australian

Adolf Hitler

The Weimar Republic of the 30s had laws against “insulting religious communities”. They were used to prosecute hundreds of Nazi agitators, including Joseph Goebbels. Did it stop them? No. It helped them.

The Nazis turned their prosecutions for hate speech to their advantage, presenting themselves as political victims and whipping up public support among aggrieved sections of German society, their future social base. Far from halting Nazism, hate speech legislation assisted it.

It is surely time every hate speech law was repealed. They are a menace to free thought and speech, and the worst tool imaginable for fighting real hatred.

Read more

Law against hate speech helped Hitler’s rise | NZ Herald

Hate Speech Laws passed to suppress the Nazis, ironically paved the way for Nazis to burn books and do away with others who opposed them

Controversy around recently-cancelled talks in New Zealand raised important questions about free speech. Ostensibly it was threats of violence that led to speakers being “de-platformed” but there is a strong whiff of political bias. Either way, accusations of “hate speech” have been raised, and some commentators have suggested that we need laws against the expression of hateful ideas.

This is an argument that has been implicitly put forward by the Human Rights Commission with a special emphasis on “religious hate speech directed at Muslim New Zealanders” and is predicated on the assumption that we need to protect people from harmful words, much like we outlaw harm caused by physical violence.

There is no good evidence that offensive language or challenges to ideas, however provocative or unreasonable, creates such severe harm as to require legislation. However, there is reason to argue that direct threats or speech that incites direct violence should be illegal — and it is already prohibited under our existing laws (along with reasonable restrictions on defamation, and breaking contracts by sharing information or plagiarising). Advertisement

Yet, even with such a seemingly objective test as inciting violence it is even difficult to determine what is and is not speech that incites violence. For example, the Human Rights Commission did not think that shouting “…bash the Jewish, cut their heads off…” in an Auckland protest was worthy of investigation, let alone prosecution.

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