NZ votes against Israel in WHO resolution with false accusations | UN Watch

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (above), Director-General of the World Health Organization, blames Israel for violating the health rights of Palestinians and Syrians in the Golan in a report which was adopted by the World Health Assembly on May 22, 2019.

Intriguingly New Zealand decided to vote in favour of this resolution. Its recent voting history at the UN, in relation to Israeli issues suggests that the New Zealand government has turned from a founding supporter of Israel to one of its most active opponents. New Zealand must re-think its root cause analysis. How many Holocausts must humanity endure before it realises the necessity for a Jewish homeland where all Jews may live without fear of subjugation, persecution and eradication? — NZFOI

GENEVA, May 22, 2019 — The annual assembly of the UN’s World Health Organization today voted 96 to 11 for a resolution, co-sponsored by the Arab bloc and the Palestinian delegation, that singled out Israel over “Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan.”

Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, condemned the delegates’ abuse of the UN body as a forum to target Israel.

“Out of 21 items on the meeting’s Agenda, only one—Item No. 14 against Israel—focused on a specific country. There was no agenda item or resolution on any other country, including Syria, where hospitals and medical infrastructure have suffered devastating bombings by Syrian and Russian forces; Yemen, where 19.7 million people lack access to health care service due to the current crisis; or Venezuela, where the health system has collapsed, causing millions to flee the country,” said Neuer.

“Today’s resolution is a fantastic lie. The UN reached new heights of absurdity by enacting a resolution which accuses Israel of violating the health rights of Syrians in the Golan, even as in reality Israeli hospitals provide life-saving treatment to Syrians fleeing to the Golan from the Assad regime’s barbaric attacks,” he said.

“Shame on France, Belgium and Sweden for encouraging this hijacking of the annual world health assembly, and diverting precious time, money, and resources from global health priorities, in order to wage a political prosecution of Israel, especially when, in reality, anyone who has ever walked into an Israeli hospital or clinic knows that they are providing world-class health care to thousands of Palestinian Arabs—including last week to Palestinian leader Jibril Rajoub—as well as to Syrians fleeing Assad,” Neuer added.

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